Duct Cleaning Service
Los Angeles & the San Gabriel Valley
You’ll love our rotobrush duct cleaning service! We clean your ducts with an air powered nylon rotobrush. The rotobrush duct cleaning service consists of cleaning of the main trunk lines and the main return lines.
We use a nylon wire brush to knock out the heavy debris and pull all of the excess debris and dust back to the vacuum. This process is the best you can get for duct cleaning its safe and can dramatically reduce the amount of dust in the houses system. When the trunk lines are rotobrushed you can feel rest assured that they will be as clean like new.
Why Duct Cleaning?
10 times worse than outdoors? Dirty ducts and equipment only adds to the problem with trapped dust, dirt, lint, pollen, molds, pet dander and much more! Regular mechanical maintenance & filter changes sure help, however, overtime build-up still occurs inside your system. Even with regular maintenance, ducting should be cleaned every 3-5 years, depending on your particular environmental condition and hours of use. You may be surprised to see what has accumulated over the years.
When was the last time you had your ducts cleaned?
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have been shown to act as a collection source for a variety of contaminants that have the potential to affect health, such as mold, fungi, bacteria, pollen, dust, dander and other pollutants- What you can’t see can hurt you. Research indicates that people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors. So, the risks to human health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution indoors than outdoors. The removal of such contaminants from the HVAC system should be considered as one component in an overall plan to improve indoor air quality.
Duct Cleaning – Clean Duct Work
Pricing Can Range from $750.00 – $1,500.00

Schedule Duct Cleaning
Residential & Commercial
Our Air Cleaning Products
Electronic Air Cleaner Filter
Model # General Aire
99.7% Effective
Honeywell Merv 13
Media High Efficiency Cabinet and Filter – 97% More Efficient
Apco – X
(Air Purifier/Air Scrubber)
99.9% Effective
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